"CINDYTALK will be celebrating the release of their 10 inch vinyl picture disc release on BLUESANCT Records on the 12th October by playing at the LUMINAIRE
(311 High Road Kilburn London NW6 7JR - tel 020 7372 7123).
We are obviously hoping to have copies of SILVERSHOALSOFLIGHT with us for sale on the night but add a note of caution that it is being sent over from the U.S. especially for the event,so fingers crossed that it arrives on time.
We will be selling the record for a special £5.
The song was written between Matt Kinnison and Cinder and following Matt's death earlier this year.
Some of the money from this sale will be going to an elephant sanctuary in Africa.
Appearing with us at the LUMINAIRE will be JOHN & JEHN plus TENEBROUS LIAR - who will be celebrating the release of their new album LAST STAND on TV Records.Doors will open at 7.30pm.
£5 for tickets in advance/£6 on the night.
We would very much like to thank everybody who came to see us at the 12Bar in June - it was a great night and we hope to see you all there again on the 12th."