The film Madrigal with music by Cindytalk was first screened yesterday in London.
The press pack,downloadable from the Rabblewise Films website,states:
"Cindytalk's original score "The Crackle of My Soul" facilitates our move into interior worlds.Its found sound aesthetic creates song literally from static and mirrors the snatched beauty of the film.As static it melds with the soundscape of the city".
Am I right in saying that the picture here is a still from the actual film? The picture is quite 'This Mortal Coil' is it representative of the film or just another of those deja vu moments in time?
I think the photo was taken last year for the press pack,although it might also be part of the film,which apparently contains a scene where cinder is d-jing,if it has not been edited out. ;-)
Will have to wait and hear from the horse's mouth...
The mortally coily connection is too obvious-I said the same-but it is still a nice pic.
I hope there will be a DVD or VHS.
Unless it gets released in babylabland...
not ignoring this,just need time to gather my thoughts...
I contacted Rabblewise a while ago for info on the film and they indicated there would be a Video release at some point but people tell me anything just to get rid of me so don't take that as gospel.
I have seen excerpts of the film and indeed the music seemed to work extremely well with the images.
But cinder being such a visual artist,I suspect he'd probably done a few things differently.
not sure i entirely agree with those mortal coil allusions.there were similar atmospherics before 4ad arrived on the scene.either ways,i have no problems with the picture.the film screening went reasonably well,good to see it on a "big" screen.it needs a few tweaks here and there but it works as an abstract and internal slant on the characters lives.i'd like to look more closely at the sound placement,tighten it up and pull it back inside the natural ambience of the film,bringing it up and down for dynamic purposes when necessary...
I don't think anyone suggested problems with the picture, it's a very good picture. You assumed our comparison to TMC was negative, TMC is your ghost, I think we all live very comfortably with TMC \ 4AD.
no in fact i didn't assume it was a negative comparison,i'm merely pointing out your narrow band of visual knowledge.
i'm quite comfortable in my "disregard" for tmc/4ad.you only think i have a problem because you like those things and don't understand why i don't.the problem is more yours than mine.
That's the spirit, get it all out.
I've taken us off topic a bit here. You say the film needs a few tweaks etc. This implies that there is still scope for editing, I assumed the showing marked a film that was complete and in release. Please explain.
whose lack of visual knowledge?
Plastic Orcadian,apparently there is still time for editing since this screening was only for those involved in the making of the film.
Spaewaif, you are never distracted by the insane babbling that your well meant posts spawn. Thank you for the sanity and the answer to my query. if it wasn't for the two of us this would be a nuthouse.
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