"...in my sleep i'm still falling.
when i'm awake, it's just the same.
be there with your arms out-stretched.
across the blighted sky,
a shining star.
quietly burning...
my arms out-stretched will catch it's fall."
Artwork by Kathy Patterson
1-1st vinyl album cover
2-2nd vinyl album cover
3-combined cd cover
Scottish musician and long-time Cindytalk fan Stuart Kemsley
has made a cover version of the track "In This World".
Click on the music icon in the new player to listen to it.
Stuart's previous band,Inch Blue, also had a track titled
"Cindytalk in my sleep".
Back in December 2003,I asked him about it and this is what he said:
"Cindytalk in my sleep is a song I wrote in Scotland a few years
ago. It sounds nothing like the band CINdYTALK I must point out, although I
am a big fan of most of what they have done. The only version I have is a 4
track copy and thats quite rough to be honest. It's not going to be on the
album but I'm sure we will get round to doing it at some point."
Oh,I forgot to add that Stuart has been performing live this version of
"In This World" together with another of "Song of Changes".
how wonderful these prints look!!! worked so well with these releases.the artist was kathy patterson.she was a friend of ivan unwin's,i wonder whats she's doing now?
Being the hypocrit that I am, I just downloaded 3 tracks from Stuarts My Space ('People' won't download, which reminds me why I hate My Space so much). The 3 tracks I got though are excellent, is there any chance of getting the 4th track working so I can complete my theft. Why are Scottish musicians so damn good and original? (Obviously 'In This World' is not an original but it's properly covered with respect to the original, not just copied). Stuart now has 48 friends.
Yes,intended to mention Kathy Patterson but had so many problems posting this yesterday
with the server acting oddly.
Anyway,it's added now in the front page.
You're right with the prints,they're beautiful!
I agree that the cover is a nicely done one.
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