Back in 1994,a flyer said:
for a night of ambi-dustrial noise exploration
with maybe just a squirt of ACIDTECHNO
happening at 121 railton road brixton SE24
on friday the 21st of october 1994 at 9.00pm until late"

And here is the text from another flyer advertising a Cindytalk gig in London in 1995:
| " Lizard magazine presents
| in the first of the hushed assaults of 1995
| plus b a r b e d and s p a c e h e a d s
| good friday april 14th
| kennedy hall irish centre murray st
| off camden rd just past camden sq
| camden london nw1"

"Hushed" photos by Steve Gullick.
I think there was an interesting story behind the Hushed Assaults gig...
yes,due to that gig being on "good friday" and at a catholic irish centre in camden,we were asked if we would play quietly!!! after a few moments of incredulity - why invite a band like cindytalk to play and then make such a demand - we "got over ourselves" and realised it was an opportunity to do something different.so we decided not to take a full drum kit with us and improvised a set with a different dynamic.paul m concentrated on his percussive prowess and we played much more internally.it was complimented by the excellent
filmwork of peter morris (who incidentally did the cover photography for bark psychosis' hex album.are you out there anywhere peter!!?).the photos as ever were taken by steve gullick, from top to bottom... cindy in wooly hat (what you can't see is that i'm wearing a very short skirt and high boots) ; paul middleton (left) mark stephenson/mook (right) ; paul jones/bobby august (right) paul middleton,also in this picture you can see part of a loop from the film "spirit of the beehive" (victor erice).
we also didn't have a bass-player that night as andie brown had not long since departed the band,the silly sausage!!! another filmloop used that night was a magnificent one from tarkovsky's nostalgia,the scene where disillusioned russian poet andrei gortchakov attempts to walk the length of a disused roman bath with a lit candle...he makes several attempts and at various points the candle flickers out!he's determined,so he goes back to the start,relights the candle and starts walking again.we looped it further,taking classic tarkovsky and adding a hint of samuel beckett.a perfect cindytalk moment and a good gig too if i recall.
If Paul M's percussion was anything similar to what I heard from the 1996 Seattle gig,
then you can indeed speak of percussive prowess.
Very delicate and subtle waves of metallic touches wrapping the songs,all quite warm.
Who you callin a silly sausage???!
i recently had the pleasure of hearing dj terroreyes spin chewns and i dare 2 dream what a collaboration between him & cindytalk sounded like. too bad i was probably 5 at the time or sumthing. mustard bin tinglin 2 the senses.
A year ago someone under the name of "ah" wrote
in cindytalk.org's surrender:
"terroreyes... i miss that man.. i will never forget his chivalrous act at the George Robey, Finsbury Park. Brings a smile to my face every time i think of it".
A bloke from a has-been punk band decided to launch a spitting attack on the band, specifically myself and Gordon for some unknown reason. He got me right in the face, as i was playing. I was so angry i actually went to take a swing at him with my very heavy chunk of bass guitar but luckily for me, and probably him (haha!) he was escorted from the premesis by Bevan, aka terroreyes, and the pub landlord. I saw him go through the fire exit with a man on each arm, never to be seen again.
Pufff,thank you for your comment!
Derelict London
What a beautiful building,by the way...
It (The George Robey) is now looking very sorry for itself and has holes right the way through it. I walk near it nearly every day and it makes me smile when i think of some of the times i was there. A particular incident with Cinder and Pauly Paul makes me smile! We went to a club there and got chased home by a man who wanted to go to Hackney...
That site (Derelict London) is great too - some beautiful pictures of beautiful buildings.
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