Photo and texts from the Midnight Music official press release for
"Secrets and Falling". (Click on the texts to read them and enjoy
"Song of Changes" in the player).
"In 1991, SECRETS AND FALLING saw daylight, an EP containing four titles that opened the doors to a new CINDYTALK. This album is a renaissance: the voice returns more troubled and present than ever, while the instrumentation of guitar-bass-drums impose themselves anew in the breast of the atmospheric sounds. A life brilliant, furious, heated, and bruised pours out; on In Sunshine, a trumpet corroborates the shivering joy while enfolding the melody beneath a hood of nostalgia. Empty Hand's descent into Hell tightens the atmosphere, curving one's spine to the lyrical flights of Gordon Sharp's voice -- pain culminating in unison with supreme pleasure."
"CINDYTALK", Trinity No. 2 (Winter), 1998
Stanislas Chapel,translated by Sandra
I really like the atmosphere of this track,
as if you were listening to it "live" in the
studio,especially the voice.
The whole thing sounds very warm and embracing.
Who exactly are the other two people in the pic?
"Gordon Sharp, a Scottish poet..." says who?
I wonder if Cindytalk are fans of Stephen Wilson's two main projects, No Man/Porcupine Tree. They certainly share his sense of delicacy and atmospherics.
Hmmm . . . googles these names...
Oh,no! I wouldn't think so,that music seems to move-I think- along lines of "reasonable commercial comfort" and this is quite different!
Not aware of Stephen Wilson to the best of my recollection.The photograph features,from left to right : myself,David Ros and Paul Middleton.
I don't think you'd like Porcupine Tree Cinder. I got a CD in a library sale out of curiousity and found it decidedly on the wrong side of prog. And i love a bit of prog, me. Never heard any No Man but i know people rate his stuff...
hmmm,having thought about it,i do have a vague memory of a group called no man from years ago but not the name stephen wilson.i'm sure it was tim somebody.melody maker journalist jonh wilde set up a dinner for us both back in the late 1980's and this tim and i really didn't get on.with hindsight i think that was the point but i don't recall ever hearing no man,though.i only likes prog if it involves van der graaf generator/peter hammill!!!
Yes, you are right - Tim Bowness is his name i fink. As for the prog, well, i'm a bit partial to a bit of the old Van der graaf myself, so let me know if you want to go the gig in April (if my memory serves). Mind you, i also like a bit of Amon DÜÜL II...prog is in the my blood i'm afraid.
you wot?! a VDGG gig? no way!
Hi spaewaif, good to see those Midnight Music pics on the site. There were two main photo's that were sent out at that time, I have a copy of the other one, I can post it to you if you like but I will have to scan it (not easy-my pc has luddite tendencies). pic taken in a spare room in the building next to Berry Street Studios.
Thank you so much for the information.
I'd love to see the other photograph,
I will wait...
Were you the photographer?
hehe... nelsonstaxx is the dj moniker for cindytalk drummer extraordinaire paul middle-tone!!! paul,
if you want to bring that photo round here we could scan it and send it ,possibly more easily.
mecht as mikkle eh ?
mecht as wecht,even...
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